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RACELOGIC Support Centre

03 - VBOX Video Scene Library - Windows


VBOX Video software comes with a library of built in scene and element files.

Loading a scene from the library

To access the scene library, click on the 'File' button within the top menu bar.

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This will cause a drop down menu to appear showing all scenes available within the library. Click on a scene to load it into the software.

Scene Library Load.png

Selecting the 'Filter' drop down on the left enables you to filter the scenes shown between default and custom created.



Saving a scene into the library

For new scenes that have been created, or existing scenes that have been edited, selecting 'File > Save' to save the scene into the library.

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Scene files appear in the library in alphabetical order – note all standard supplied scenes will always stay at the top, and user saved scenes underneath.

Importing a scene

To import a scene into the software, select 'File > Import'. Importing a scene loads the scene into the main view window and does not add the scene automatically into the library. To add the scene to the library, 'File > Save' must be selected.

Uploading a scene to the HD2 unit

Once a scene file has been saved to the SD card or USB stick using the 'Save to SD' button:

  1. Power up the VBOX Video HD2 unit with the cameras connected and without the SD card or USB stick inserted.
  2. Ensure the .vvhsn file(s) is located within the root directory of the SD card or USB stick (not in the media or any other folder).
  3. Load the SD card or USB stick into the front panel - the OK LED will flash green fast as the scene is loaded.
  4. The HD2 will double beep when the upgrade is complete - the OK LED will change to solid green.
  5. The new scene file will now be installed within your VBOX Video HD2 unit.
  6. To preview the new scene, the easiest method is to use the Camera Preview App.


  • It is possible to load up to 8 scene files to the unit for selection with an OLED Display. If more than 1 scene file is loaded and you don't have access to a display, the first scene alphabetically will be used by the unit. More information on this is available here.
  • The scene file(s) will be removed from the memory storage when installed to the unit.

Scenes cannot be named as 'default'.


Library files

To access the files within the library, click the ‘Open library’ link at the top of the file menu.

Scene Library Open.png

This library is stored within the PCs documents folder:

C:\Users\FULL USERNAME\Documents\VBOX Video\Library\1920x1080


The file extensions for HD2 scene files is .VVHSN and for HD2 element files is .EL2.

This allows files to be easily accessed to be sent to other HD2 users, or copied between different PCs.

Changes to the files stored in this location will be reflected within VBOX Video HD2 Setup.


Loading an element from the library

To access the element library, click on one of the element buttons within the top menu bar.

Software Element Buttons.PNG


This will cause a drop down menu to appear showing all of the selected element type which are available within the library. Click on an element to load it into the software.

Scene Library Gauge.png


Saving an element into the library

Configured elements can be added to the Software library, allowing them to be reused in other scenes. Right click on the element and select 'Add to library' within the 'Library' menu. This allows the element to be viewed within element drop down menu, and easily found by using the 'Filter' option and selecting 'Custom'.

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Removing an element from the library

To remove an element from the library, either right click on the element and select 'Remove from library' from within the 'Library' menu, or click on the red x next to the element within element drop down menu.

Note: Standard supplied elements cannot be removed from the library unless the files are manually deleted from:

C:\Users\FULL USERNAME\Documents\VBOX Video\Library\1920x1080

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