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RACELOGIC Support Centre

09 - VBOX Micro CAN Output

The VBOX Micro has a CAN output which is present on the 5-way COMS connector.

This is the Racelogic standard VBOX output, ie. Starting at 0x301.

Channel definitions are available here.

Data format: Motorola

ID** Update Rate Data Bytes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0x301 100 ms (1) Sats (2) Time since midnight UTC (3) Position – Latitude MMMM.MMMMM
0x302 100 ms (4) Position – Longitude MMMMM.MMMMM (5) Speed (kts) (6) Heading (º)
0x303 100 ms (7) Altitude. WGS 84 (m) (8) Vertical velocity (m/s) (9) Space used (10) Status (11) Status
0x304 100 ms Unused (12) Long Accel. (g) (13) Lateral Accel. (g)
0x305 100 ms (14) Distance travelled since VBOX reset (m) Unused Unused


  1. If Satellites in view < 3 then only Identifier 0x301 transmitted and bytes 2 to 8 are set to 0x00.
  2. Time since midnight. This is a count of 10 ms intervals since midnight UTC. (5383690 = 53836.90 seconds since midnight or 14 hours, 57 minutes and 16.90 seconds).
  3. Position, Latitude in minutes * 100,000 (311924579 = 51 Degrees, 59.24579 Minutes North). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, North being positive.
  4. Position, Longitude in minutes * 100,000 (11882246 = 1 Degrees, 58.82246 Minutes West). This is a true 32 bit signed integer, West being positive.
  5. Velocity, 0.01 kts per bit.
  6. Heading, 0.01° per bit.
  7. Altitude above mean sea level based on the WGS 84 model of the earth, 0.01 m per bit, signed.
  8. Vertical Velocity, 0.01 m/s per bit, signed.
  9. % space used on memory card.
  10. Status. 8 bit unsigned char. Bit 3 = File Open.
  11. Status. 8 bit unsigned integer. Bit 6 = Eastern hemisphere (0=West, 1= East). Bit 7 = Southern hemisphere (0=North, 1=South).
  12. Longitudinal Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  13. Lateral Acceleration, 0.01 g per bit, signed.
  14. Distance travelled in meters since VBOX reset.
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